Well, we had some fun at least: a short holiday in the (unusually) hot Hungarian summer. 38 degrees Celsius, it was almost unbearable for us after we got used to the cooler kiwi climate.
Then we came back to the (unusually) cold New Zealand Winter. 8 degrees Celsius, almost unbearable for us now. Hard to please, you might say. ;)
Anyway, back to business: since I was barely here this month the update is less impressive than the last time. Yet, I managed to implement some more missing instructions:
- Implementation of ASL.x Dy,Dz, LSR.x Dy,Dz, LSL.x Dy,Dz, ROR.x Dy,Dz, ROL.x Dy,Dz, SUBA.x mem,Ay, SUB.x mem,Dy, SUBQ.x #imm,mem, SUB.x #imm,mem, SUB.x Dy,mem, SUBQ.x #imm,Ay, SUBQ.x #imm,Dy, SUB.x #imm,Dy instructions.
- Removed not required TODO from ROL/ROR.x #imm, Dy instruction.